Ladies Nights
Every Monday from 6-8 pm
All ladies welcome
First 3 sessions free
No sign up needed just show up
Perfect for beginners
Ladies, are you looking for a fun night out where you can exercise, learn and laugh at the same time? Then join our Ladies Night every Monday from 6-8 pm. The evening is headed up by Gabe Masters, club coach.
You’ll find the bubbly group of ladies on courts 6 & 7 ready to have a hit. Whether you are picking up a racket for the first time, finding your way back to the courts after some time out, looking for something new to do with your friends or you’re a regular eager member at the club already, we welcome you and look forward to seeing you flourish at the mighty North Shore club.
Club Night
Every Thursday from 6-8 pm
All members and non-members welcome
First 3 sessions free
No sign up needed just show up
If you are looking for a fun way to exercise, our Thursday evening Club night is a great place to find both.
Our club nights are aimed to provide an opportunity for you to get to know other members, to have healthy competition throughout the evening, circulating through courts will challenge your skills with various players.
Friday Club night
Every Friday during the school term
5:15-6 pm for beginners u10 years
6-7 pm beginner 11 years +
7-8 pm advanced juniors
First 3 sessions free
Junior Interclub
Junior academy
Find out more HERE